모바일 메뉴 닫기


배제현 프로필 사진
배제현 (Je Hyun Bae)   이메일아이콘
공대 2호관 454호


2003. 3 - 2006. 8 : 중앙대학교 화학과, 이학사 (대학수석 졸업)

2006. 9 - 2008. 2 : 중앙대학교 화학과, 이학석사

2008. 9 - 2013. 8 : 서울대학교 화학과, 이학박사

주요 경력

2024. 3 - 현재 : 충남대학교 분석과학기술대학원 부교수

2020. 3 - 2024.2 : 충남대학교 분석과학기술대학원 조교수

2020. 8 - 현재 : 한국과학창의재단 과학기술인재 진로지원센터 전문가형 과학기술분야 진로컨설턴트

2019. 5 - 2020. 1 : Queens College, The City University of New York, Senior Postdoctoral Associate 

2018. 8 - 2019. 12 : Queens College, The City University of New York, Adjunct Assistant Professor

2015. 3 - 2019. 4 : Queens College, The City University of New York, Postdoctoral Associate 

2013. 9 – 2015. 2 : 서울대학교 화학과, 박사 후 연구원

주요 연구분야

생체모방 전기화학

고분해능 전기화학

나노전기화학 기반 분석기술 개발

주요 활동


2008-2010 Lottefoundation Scholarship 
2007 Chung-Ang Excellence Paper Conference, The grand prize


Secondary education (Chemistry) in South Korea


Korean Chemical Society
American Chemical Society
International Society of Electrochemistry 
Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association

대표 논문

(†Equally author; *Corresponding author)
6. Qian Wang†, Je Hyun Bae†, Alexander B. Nepomnyashchii, Rui Jia, and Michael V. Mirkin*
“Light-Controlled Nanoparticle Collision Experiments”
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11(8), 2972-2976 (2020).

5. Je Hyun Bae, Alexander B. Nepomnyashchii, Xiang Wang, Denis V. Potapenko, and Michael V. Mirkin*
“Photo-Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy on the Nanoscale with Though-Tip Illumination”
Anal. Chem. 91(20), 12601-12605 (2019).

4. Je Hyun Bae, Dengchao Wang, Keke Hu, and Michael V. Mirkin*
“Surface-Charge Effects on Voltammetry in Carbon Nanocavities”
Anal. Chem. 91(9), 5530-5536 (2019).

3. Je Hyun Bae, Ricardo F. Brocenschi, Kim Kisslinger, Huolin L. Xin, and Michael V. Mirkin*
“Dissolution of Pt during Oxygen Reduction Reaction Produces Pt Nanoparticles” 
Anal. Chem. 89(23), 12618-12621 (2017).

2. Je Hyun Bae, Yun Yu, and Michael V. Mirkin*
“Diffuse Layer Effect on Electron-Transfer Kinetics Measured by Scanning Electrochemical Microscope (SECM)”
 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8(7), 1338–1342 (2017). Spotlights, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 1701-1701 (2017).

1. Je Hyun Bae†, Ji-Hyung Han†, and Taek Dong Chung*
"Electrochemistry at Nanoporous Interfaces: New Opportunity to Electrocatalysis" (Invited Review)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14(2), 448-463 (2012).